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Who we are
The Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) is an innovative infrastructure project developer and investor which mobilises private investment in sustainable and inclusive infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa and south and south-east Asia. PIDG investments promote socio-economic development within a just transition to net zero emissions , combat poverty and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Impact
Infrastructure is fundamental to progress. PIDG works across the spectrum of the infrastructure development process based on local market needs, catalysing private sector participation and creating development impact.
Mobilised from Private Sector Investors and Development Finance Institutions in 2018
Mobilised from Private Sector Investors and Development Finance Institutions since 2002
People with access to new or improved infrastructure
Long-term jobs created
“Infrastructure is fundamental to progress. PIDG works across the spectrum of the infrastructure development process based on local market needs, catalysing private sector participation and creating development impact”.
PIDG in action
We operate at the frontier where other organisations cannot or will not yet go.
We focus on frontier markets, with our focus predominantly on sub-Saharan Africa and south and south east Asia.
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40+ countries
have PIDG supported projects
50% commitments
people with access to new or improved infrastructure
overall commitments to energy projects support renewable energy
94 projects
have become commercially operational
commitments to energy projects in the most recent 5 years support renewable energy, compared to 57% in the last 10 years.
PIDG is an innovative infrastructure development and finance organisation funded by
six governments and the IFC