Digital Communications Infrastructure
Technological progress is key to finding lasting solutions to both economic and environmental challenges, such as providing new jobs and promoting energy efficiency.
Promoting sustainable industries, and investing in scientific research and innovation, are all important ways to facilitate sustainable development. More than 4 billion people still do not have access to the Internet, and 90% are from the developing world. Bridging this digital divide is crucial to ensure equal access to information and knowledge, as well as foster innovation and entrepreneurship, thereby contributing to SDG 9, ‘Industry, innovation and infrastructure’.
Mobile phones have fundamentally changed the lives of people in the poorest countries by offering the ability to transfer money, check local market prices and access health messaging. It has also allowed many countries to leapfrog landlines, resulting in huge savings. Demand for mobile and broadband remains high across the region and the telecoms infrastructure struggles to keep pace with demand.
We focus on the development of modern communications infrastructure and information technology businesses. This is about supporting improved broadband connectivity, supporting infrastructure sharing models, and expanding networks to new areas, especially in fragile and frontier markets.