Water, Sewerage and Sanitation
Our investments in the water, sewerage and sanitation sector contribute directly to SDG 6, ‘clean water and sanitation’ and support the provision of universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all.
Access to safe drinking water and sanitation can lead to lower disease burden, improved nutrition, improved quality of life and increased attendance of girls at school, as well as improved water resource management leading to better allocation, regulation, and conservation of valuable water resources.
Through our support to the Kigali Bulk Water Project in Rwanda, we have demonstrated our ability to play a trailblazing risk-reducing role in the sector, demonstrating what is possible and encouraging the private section to invest in similar schemes with their partners in governments.
We will expand our work and invest in PPP-type projects providing access to safe water and basic sanitation. To do so, we will seek to explore options to improve the financial viability of the water sector by supporting private sector-led projects which deliver clean water as efficiently and cost effectively as possible to government-run water utilities.